Wednesday 2 March 2011


[This is the script for the conversation between the psychiatrist and the victim]

Psychiatrist: So [Pause] tell me what's been going on, you told me in your last session that you've been experiencing...

Victim: [Interrupting] I am not paranoid.


Psychiatrist: As I was saying, you said that you've seen someone following you

Victim: I'm not paranoid, someone has been following me and it's been getting worse.

Psychiatrist: Worse? Tell me what's making it worse.

Victim: It's been happening more often, for longer periods of time. And the places, the fucking places. Sometimes I see him right near my house.

Psychiatrist: Him?

Victim: Yeah, he's quite tall. Big built, you know? Like a man. How many women do you know that fit that description?


Victim: The last time. That was the worst.

Psychiatrist: Why?

Victim: OK, so... Yeah, I was on my way out of college. And, I could have sworn there was some guy following me. Like, everywhere.

Psychiatrist: Did you see his face?

Victim: No.


Victim: I was outside, and I could have sworn this guy was behind me. So, y'know, I turned around. Couldn't see anyone or anything. So I turned back around, and there it was.

(Cuts to the psychiatrists office)

Psychiatrist: What?


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