Monday 10 January 2011

The narrative centre's around crimes. e.g theft or murder..
From the video we can see, it shows various images and short montages of clips of a figure (only the hands) cutting, stitching and pasting images and highlighting specific books (bible) the color of the videos, images are all grey, black and white with a sense of a moldy yellow. this helps give the viewers an impression of the film being a thriller/horror. 

The protagonist is fallible and has an 'Achilles heel' that is exploited by the antagonist. The title of the thriller may relate to this weakness eg Vertigo and Insomnia.
The protagonists are the victims we see in the negatives, he scribbles their eyes out this could be stop them from seeing. The antagonist is the killer, we see him preparing for his murders.

The antagonist ensnares the protagonist in an increasingly complex web, until the protagonist feels isolated and helpless.
The mise en scene at the start shows the antagonist with books and pictures on future targets showing that the antagonist is well prepared and informed on his next victim ( protagonist)

Micro elements combine in a build up of suspense.
with the unknown character in the footage we see the build up includes, music, tense thriller like and slowly builds up towards the end of the montage as the character creates books of writing and images.
the editing is also a large part of showing the thriller sense as it shows short quick clips of little things such as cutting things out of book and stitching things. the camera work is the same throughout the whole sequence where it shows only the hands of the character and shows him cutting things and so on... the camera work are all extreme close ups which are also still shots.

Themes of identity are common: mistaken identity, doubling/doppelgangers, amnesia.

Themes of seeing, reflection and mirroring. Manipulation of perspectives, visual McGuffins, and optical illusions are common.

The audience of a thriller is placed in the ambiguous position of voyeur. Voyeurism can also be a theme and the objectification of female characters is common especially in earlier thrillers.

A series of/ one important enigma(s) are/is set up in the opening sequence of the film, is further complicated during the first part of the film and only resolved at the very end.

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